
Married To A Millionaire: Can Your Stop Your Alimony Payments If Your Ex Remarries Rich?

If you are divorced and your ex spouse marries a very wealthy person, you may think you are off the hook for your monthly alimony payments. However, don't just stop paying until you find out if you are legally allowed to do so. Here are some questions you may have with regard to alimony and a new wealthy spouse: Does the State Matter? Yes, the state you live in absolutely plays a part as to whether or not you will have to continue paying alimony. Read More 

What To Do When A Person Demands Payment For An Unreported Accident?

Although they don't get a lot of press, plenty of minor auto accidents occur each year. You tap the bumper of the car in front of you at a stop light or someone swipes your driver's side door while trying to squeeze into a parking space. The damage seems relatively inconsequential so you don't report it to the authorities or your insurance company. Unfortunately, the other party decides weeks later that they do want to be compensated for any damages sustained. Read More 

Four Circumstances Where You Should Consult A Wrongful Death Attorney

An unexpected death can be heartbreaking for the family of a loved one. If you are an immediate family member or life partner of a loved one who died under any of the following circumstances, you will want to consult a wrongful death attorney.   Death from Injuries Sustained in a Fight If your loved one was in an altercation and sustained injuries that led to death, you should consult a wrongful death attorney. Read More 

3 Critical Steps To Take After Getting Into A Severe Wreck

When you drive on the road, an accident can happen out of nowhere. This causes you a lot of stress, but you can deal with these accidents in a calm manner by taking these steps. Document Everything After a wreck, your adrenaline may be pumping. It's important to take a deep breath to calm your nerves, so you can document everything. Use your phone to take pictures of the accident, including specific damages done to your vehicle. Read More 

3 Helpful Steps To Take When Dealing With Financial Problems

One of the worst things to experience in life is financial problems. These problems may consume your life, but there is a way out. Thanks to these steps, you can get out of your financial hole. Have an Estate Sale You may not know anyone that can help you out in terms of getting money, but you don't have to worry. You can have an estate sale. These sales give you the ability to liquidate a lot of things in your home, such as jewelry, furniture and glassware. Read More